Saturday, December 18, 2010

New Lessons

There are a few more things I have learnt that I thought I would share...

1. Lessons from hiking apply to snow too. Always take the high ground and (I think I left this one out before) always take the path MOST traveled. There is a reason no one else is stepping THERE!
2. Once your feet are cold, there is absolutely no possible way you are going to be able to get warm again, unless you go inside and put on your slippers. Or take a bath.
3. German folk deem it very necessary to wear 'Haus schuhe' (house shoes). These are basically slippers. You should not wear your shmooshy, snowy boots/shoes past the front door. You should also not send a kid to a sleep over with out their 'house shoes'.
4. When playing in the snow, take snowboarding gloves. Wool absorbs water, and freezes. Your fingers will freeze along with the wool.
5. It is very hard to hide Christmas presents from your lovely other when you live in a small apartment.
6. It is even harder to hide presents when your lovely others parents come stay...
7. Around christmas time, always made SURE you have your name on your amazon deliveries. To avoid confusion.
8. Sledding is great fun. But if you notice that the other adults are not doing it, it is probably because they don't want to run kids over, and you should PERHAPS wait till the smaller kids go home. Or till every one goes home.
9. Chilli's are a GREAT way to warm up... they go with everything.
10. Too many chilli's may result in losing said warmth to the bath room floor. (Unless you are wearing your house shoes!)
11. Moms are very sneaky.
12. Moms will also give you the words you need at the exact moment you need them, with out you even having to express your need.
13. When feeling home/family sick, have a glass of wine. Then latch yourself onto the nearest family (the lovely and his parents for example) and get involved. Do not stop drinking until the threat of tears is gone and you are convinced you are one of them.
14. No substitute family can replace your own.
15. Children REALLY love christmas. The threat of no presents will provide instant table manners and general niceness.
16. If you don't believe, you won't receive. I believe I deserve to be spoilt by my lovely. Don't you?

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