Thursday, September 2, 2010


The novelty wears off slightly as the reality of actual living creeps in.

Work starts, you come home late, there's washing and ironing and cooking and cleaning and grocery shopping and sleep is needed. Playing princesses all day does require actual energy and involvement in the game, unless you are willing to feel the wrath of little girls who feel you're not playing right. The game is especially taxing when you are too big to fit through all the 'doorways' of the jungle gym and have to climb over everything.

The good part is that the living is easy. Things just work. We just do.
The bad part is that if you don't take the time to cycle a little slower to work, or look out the window of the train, or listen to the accents around you, it can be easy to be swept up in the day-to-day tasks and forget exactly where you are.

The other good part is that it only takes one ice cream to remind you that this is Europe. At the end of summer. And the living is eeeaaaassssyyyyyy.

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